Detect Language English(DLE): This is the passage from which the idea (derived from the 9th RF and is placed opposite the original:) (the translation of the terms has been fantastic and from it came the idea putting into effect the "detect language" associating to specific publications of Run Forever :) (ie 'is the actual language in which they are arranged publications and is enough to insert the original :) terms. in the case of today's post is the placement more 'easy' cause the only ones translated terms are almost identical to the originals (3 of 4 :) and then will be very curious the next RF (the time frame is years :)
Today's DLE is the protagonist of 2nd RF, 3rd dec. The original post is May 2015
This would be the 3rd natural base and compared to the first two is "a bit different" because it already has some of its important parameters and that is why I have choices (the associated purpose is to make a grip for the general donkey E The reason in this case is simple because with the maximum of the base they have, even a natural importance is an exponential "key" :) but they remain important because they are the key to 360 ° glance reading: ) ... attached a related thought written yesterday
The meaning of this publication is the same as yesterday's and all the previous ones dedicated to communication in general in relation to the "advertising system". I have quoted the latter because 'in reality' would only be theoretical and above all it does not come from any Free market.The post of "Base 20M" yesterday is arranged here and in its final part I put in several things "extremely" (both for the media and some "details" related to the ecommerce themselves and I did not take any but the most important in the world) ... the union With the publication of today (also in its extreme mode) is in line with some thoughts inserted yesterday and in previous writings and here I attach a little excerpt...
Even the latter part is joined to the 3rd general and I have set the details precisely to highlight the real possibilities of doing far more than postpone mails to the major companies, having very important own volumes (the sense is always within the Post)
That today is not part of the communication in an objective way but the "role of organizations" have a full reason to be included for the first-level technical base that they have The development and the sense of this affirmation is inserted in Post March 11 Associated with a natural base, indirectly inserted in the framework under MilanoFinanza (taking as a parameter the Corriere della Sera is "the printed" multiplied 3-4 times to form the natural base) ... under the picture I made further details always in function Of the part highlighted above. Turning just for a moment to yesterday's post and linking it to today there are other "important" differences in comparison "and that is, the overall turnover of the" comparative group "is understood in the general sense (ie, It is only television but also the associated publishing house (mondadori) and it is not any but the first of the country, the second is the rizzoli group and the third one would be the best and that is Einaudi but, for some years, is the property of the first And so its "level" is very compromised:) ... I made such a clarification to "increase the gap" of the pseudo-computation at this point because it is totally unclear, however, is still more valid the script and Just above to just amplify the numbers written yesterday, the global companies put on it have more and more revenue debts (the latter is about 3 billion pounds, given the company's history is to take " With precaution ":) ... debts are" trustworthy "because they come from banks!:) ... only the" province of Google ", over 10 years ago it was paid 3 times the sum above and Sense of "this detail" is included in the post yesterday ... with this publication I think I have finished and the next will be the last reset of a basic publication while the rest will be what I can find it again...

The picture above is taken from "MilanoFinanza" and the content refers to a daily cost linked to fines of the European community (about 30,000 euros per day only for sanctions) and the reason I attach it to this small extract, always from the same Information organ ...
We pay a daily fine to the EU of 30 thousand euros, will soon be 90 thousand, rather than force the equipment to bend to the needs of the taxpayer, unifying the emergency number ...
I agree with the media but it has suggested recent developments in recent generic reviews in all general comparisons, and the main association is with the 3rd and the historical description I have made in it. In this case, I also lose the "singularity" of the medium as it alone would only make a difference (avoid this step because otherwise it would be impossible to complete this publication for the many involved and the reason is simply related to the true role of Communication that can not be "driven by contributions" given by the executive power itself and is the case of Milan Finance, so in addition to their professionalism they also have a basic credibility)
The connection with the thoughts to add is practically within the framework and merges simply with the sum of the forces and even in this case one could apply the same method of "natural comparisons" made in the 3rd general ... sense Of this operation is just as simple as the results of the general volumes are not "avoided by the objective contexts" ...
As I have written above are exactly the number of associates "for specific reasons to the individual comparison elements" as the concrete basis of the volumes published earlier. This system can also be applied to "organizations or pseudo forces" and so many other examples and it is In practice "a reading cross" whose result will be closest to the absolute one (the meaning is very simple and is inversely proportional to the base itself)
... written all this, now I can put thoughts as the main link to the 3rd general comparison and are the natural bases of the organizations themselves tied up after the volumes. In the original post I have only two examples but can add so many others That of today will be the 3rd and perhaps more 'exemplifying' than any previous one because the natural bases are then applied to an absolute first level system and no one else has the same characteristics (the full sense is inside Post March 11, set above) ... to apply the foundations to the organizations I take as an example the one done for the Corriere della Sera and simply apply it to the above ... the natural base of the first daily is formed by 2 million people and I have pointed out in the post itself that comes from the official information of the publishing house (rizzoli corredi of the evening) ... today add 'of the "supplective details" to the things described in the post and that is c Part derives "this natural base." The normal part would be formed by the number of people who are in some way in contact with the newspaper and is the predominant part of the total number of the natural base (ie 2 million) ... I wrote in The same post that is a difficult thing to calculate and just as "to refute" but it is the official one and it is necessary to "take it for good". Of course, "I'm not going to do it" and then add the motivations of these thoughts :) Their function It is always in relation to the traditional media and the advertising system and the final sense is simply the one written on several occasions and that is, "they are not giants" already in absolute terms and can not be networked. The natural bases do not Are "abstract formulas" but are obviously linked to "advertising contracts" and are precisely the latter the purpose of being "highlighted". This would add a lot of things but in this case I lim Just to describe what really "natural bases" really originate to associate it with the original picture. I wrote in the post that is difficult to calculate in absolute but 'using the same method' of the publishing house becomes in reality very simple since the Natural basis comes from "a multiplication" not of actual people but of the "original print" and this is to assume the function of "multiplying factor"! It is usually about 3-4 times the latter and is the actual number to be able to To match the initial framework with respect to the "basic elements" and they will provide the actual reading key with respect to the general volumes almost in an absolute sense as they are simply related to the inversely proportional of the base itself ... as far as it is concerned Original printed matter of the newspaper (and practically all of the others) the relationship with natural bases is "paradoxically artificial" and the sense is simple in this case too because their This function is related to public publishing contributions (approximately 30% of the original print is approximate, while the contribution is 40% of the entire budget of the publishing houses ... the first is done, of course, according to the second And the whole set depends on the "advertising monopoly" described yesterday) ...
For the contents of this publication I have written several things before and in the coming days I will add them to this position
This is the first attachment from "Base 12M"
All the pages included in the picture share a time span obviously related to the relevant publications, which in turn are merged into the second general account only (this is both direct and opposite because they do not have a relative channel or the main one attached " Is not currently available "... this clarification serves to" frame "the following contents including the summary picture made with a" secondary "secondary channel and the present one, ie AV2, even less!) ... so the contents They do not come from imbeciles but they are related to a specific "unbreakable" weight:) (it is not a form of pride but has a full meaning also related to the following content) ... yesterday I wrote about SEO techniques by inserting specific references for Regarding the possibilities (expressed in percentages) to "optimize" the network trades. One part of them concerns the management of the keywords associated with the various publications and even in this the imbec I am always such and only the millennium is higher (personal ones linked to the various channels I published them long after they were inserted and so only I could know them and enough "recent experience" to notice macroscopic differences even with minimal modifications .. . So it is not the name to make a difference but it is "the substance" ... this last word seems almost obvious and banal together, while in reality it is a "kind of general union" between yesterday's writing, the weight Specific and all publications in general (both normal and specifications made in all the spaces over the years) ... this union also bypasses the SEO techniques described yesterday because the "most sophisticated" part is "not tied" To computer formulas "but to the same sharing criterion (unlike appearances, the thing is very simple and there is no shortcut to" sharing intelligence "... this I wrote about 2 years ago and it was the first Channel criterion That is, all the chosen settings are "natural" because they are not "the result of any trick" and this is not "for a good way of doing" but I simply did not think it was the ideal solution in relation to the already important number of companies Then (that is, 2 years ago) ... To clarify all of these thoughts I enclosed a brief recent passage and the extension itself is just an example (the reference in this case is to music but can be Applied in any field) the intrinsic method of the page (that is, a smaller platform and the specific period itself) contains that of the network in practice and is the true sharing (that is, any engine will always be generalist and what it will produce is not simple To share! ... that is, if I take it myself (in fact it is youtube itself) I just get the most clicked things ... ... it also has an additional advantage even more important and it is tied to the fact that it does not need Share everything but suf A small part associated with the same amplification (this is very simple because the overall value of the shares is about 40-50% of the total ... so it is not the absolute value to be shared but single portions of imput and then Each with their own intelligence develops them in turn ... this is the real peculiarity of the network and is the basis for amplifying messages ... in practice it is the same system I have adopted for companies and the obvious fact is that They have higher adhesions even with respect to larger volumes ... These last thoughts can be applied to all specific publications including the recent ones starting with the "value itself" associated with the "alterations" made in the practice of only 1 level . The second has "supreme multiple passwords" and depend on individual volunteering, by those of companies and by the true intelligence of those who access (the sense is written in the above section and complementar development And is tied to "sharing" without cheating! (This is valid for anyone, including the characters of particular scripts, since the concept is an absolute value) ... it may seem like an obvious and obvious thing while in reality it does not Is this "way of doing" at all and is the most important basis of one's own specific weight ... (the demonstrations are multiple and even apparent and it is sufficient to retrace the links made over time) ... this last thought I will develop in the 3rd comparison of the natural bases and the ideas I had in mind at the beginning (that is, those for "law enforcement") will put in practice a 4th and will be linked to yesterday's written paper SN switching in function of the real system of codes that they have inside ... another development will be in practice a second example and this time will be related to the ecommerce themselves (specific content is posted on post 9 and 10 April and Links are in the main system a Through that of the 3rd general
Ant.MilanoFinanza! ... this is a minipost made a few days before the actual one on it
... will be linked to the imbeciles by taking as an example the "organizations" but from the point of view of the objective technical possibilities they have (I have described them in the 1st comparison 16a) and will have an associative development to the 3rd general and comparisons Natural. The cue for doing so derives from a picture of MilanoFinanza with a general summary of the individual forces in the global number of elements present. The newspaper has done it to highlight absurd expenses besides stratospheric management (in practice there are dozens Of thousands of euros per day for not being equal with the provisions of the European community) ... in the post that I will 'use' instead the basic elements to form "a natural" and will be even in this case an almost absolute reading Of the associated volumes ... in this case will also have a higher value than the previous ones since the technical level of the organizations (at least as possible) is not in possession of any other !...
This is the last one dedicated to the contents of the 3rd natural base and is derived from "Positive Thoughts" and in practice that below is the full post
Part of the packet's activities are broken (some details I have written in the past few days) and today's post indirectly is a schematic demonstration of the total twist and the reason is 100% clear! ... in another post I put in the "queen trial" (do the DNS on the contrary and you will see that the position is different in everything ... it is your brain to be exploded, ticklish and i did it even " "Of serious thoughts at the base of these spaces ... if you want to" make it easy "put the general link in the bar and then you will see" if you really are ":) ... I think there are few objective possibilities and instead The opposite is the absolute :) (that is, you have no parity of conditions and you are pure :) :) (the medium of the network is not the "television rocket" you have in mind and it does not work with the spaces in But it must have its own specific weight, which is indispensable for the "cochlea" and the latter must be supplied with "autonomous thoughts" (it may even be wrong, but at least it is imbecile in its own right and it already does Noteworthy difference:) ... a few days ago I made an advance for Milano Finanza and the post I'll just do it But yes, it is possible to put some thoughts because the same will be the "natural base" of the organizations ... I have pointed out that the choice is due to the fact that at least they have the maximum as a network volume and so at least In theory they represent an absolute parameter and at the same time it becomes easy to quantify the rest (including basic imbeciles) ... for the natural base would suffice already those included in the 3rd general comparison but because of the intrinsic characteristics of the organizations. Thanks to the framework of Milano Finanza I have come to mind also to include them ... this added element (that is, the natural base) is not an "accessory" but is the translation in practice of things written above high to their power ( The specific weight can not be "packed" and it is the antipodes of the imbeciles:) ... are not empty words and the full sense is right in the 3rd general and in particular in the steps dedicated to the basics Natural (some reports have been made over many years in the multispats and the associated keywords I posted long after having placed them, with volumes already important products and therefore outside of me could not be known by anyone (this is the real sense Of specific weight and is not a personal thing but it is a way of thinking and acting through which I have tried to convey ideas)
Returning to organizations based on natural bases (that is, the number of people who are in various respects linked to specific elements and the examples are always in the 3rd general) one of them has a natural base of about 5 million (in practice it is similar In COOPI) ... so they have the best in everything and one of them also has a good base (having a thing of the kind is always positive but can also turn into a boomerang because it is inversely proportional to the volumes themselves .. .the rest I will write in the specific post and will then be bound to thoughts expressed for the media and the advertising system